A Fish Out of Water

A fish out of water crossword clue. UK Daily Mail crossword question on 14 June 2017, 5 letters.

The answer: ATREE


I read this book to my son who has learning differences. He and I both loved it. The writing is simple, relatable and very empathic. If you or your kid have ever felt like a fish out of water, different or not sure why you don’t fit in, then this book is perfect. Ally, the main character and two best friends are brilliant and cool and different. They are strong and brave and most of all, united through by a deep and committed friendship. The teacher who helps Ally discover her dyslexia, is the other hero here. He is patient and kind and best of all, has a plan to help Ally accept that her difference isn’t something to be ashamed of, but she is in the company of many of the world’s most brilliant minds.

A Fish Out of Water | admin | 4.5