Former Name for the Head of a Nursing Staff

Former name for the head of a nursing staff. A quick crossword clue in Daily Mirror UK on 16 Sep 2017, 6 letters.

The solver: MATRON

Former name for the head of a nursing staff example

Former name for the head of nursing staff at a major public hospital in Athens, who wished to remain anonymous, told The Lancet that there is only one nurse per shift for as many as 60 patients. When the hospital is on call 24-hours (hospitals in Greece are rotated to be on call), there are 16 nurses for 1600 patients, and one nurse for five patients in the intensive care unit. “In the last 2 years, 2000 new hires were scheduled, but none took place. There are also shortages in drugs and medical equipment, which result in low quality health services”, she said.

Former Name for the Head of a Nursing Staff | admin | 4.5