Palm Food Crossword Clue

Palm food crossword clue. 4 letters. A quick clue two speed crossword in The Courier-Mail newspaper on Friday 1 September 2017.

The solver: SAGO

Example of palm food

Its made with beer for crying out loud, it won’t last in my house. I actually have not made any yet. Thought I would get some opinions before I whipped some up. THANKS for your quick response.

I went out yesterday and bought some Espoma Palm-Tone all natural organic palm food. Its a 4-1-5 with micronutrients. The stuff smells real bad, if it smells this bad, its gotta be good, right? Hopefully the smell will go away in a few days. Espoma has a web site. 5 pounds of the stuff was only $4.99 USD. We’ll see how it works.

Palm Food Crossword Clue | admin | 4.5